Priced per Foot 12" of tubing Clear Tubing only
Tubing is NOT cut if ordering more than 1 Foot, So if you order 3 feet you receive 3 feet not 3 one foot pieces, etc. Tubing Sizes;
What does OD & ID mean? OD means Outside Diameter and ID means Inside Diameter. To determine the correct size needed for your existing pump measure the top of the pumps spout across. This will give you the diameter for the ID measurement for which the tubing should be. Here's a TIP! To decrease a 5/8" OD tubing you can slide a 1/2" OD tubing inside the 5/8" tubing making it smaller and giving you more pressure. The same goes if you'd like to increase water flow. Add a 5/8" OD tubing over a 1/2" OD tubing! For a 2' tubing you would order 2 in the quantity box.
We are located in the state of Maine USA
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