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Name: Patty
Date: 02/07/2003
Message: do you have catalogs you send out in the Postal mail?

Name: Gail
Date: 02/06/2003
Message: Just a note to say thanks for the COOL site! It's nice to be able to make my own "stuff" without having to spend a fortune! You guys are the best.

Name: Cintia
Date: 01/12/2003
Message: I was looking for <a href=""> information about personal loans and finance </a> when i found your site instead!!

Name: stephen bostick
Date: 01/09/2003

Name: Victoria Saunders
Date: 01/05/2003
Message: I love your fountains! They are very beautiful. I have a question though, on the Our Wedding First Dance Fountain, is it possible to have the bride have brown hair? Thank you!

Name: H. W. Dixon
Date: 12/28/2002
Message: Thanks to "Google" I found your website! I need a new pump, but I want to look over all that you offer. Great site!

Name: Richard Mase
Date: 12/10/2002
Message: Great site! I will be ordering some things when I am ready to start building>

Name: Leslie Van Brink
Date: 12/05/2002
Message: Hi Rockee, First of all I want to introduce myself. I'm Don's new "Coach" at Sea Ray - and let me tell you I'm VERY happy to have him on my team. Secondly, I wanted to tell you how impressed I am with your website. It's so easy to navigate & very informative. You do beautiful work. The fountains are incredible. I can't wait to show my husband. There's something I need for Christmas though. My Mom has a fountain and she's having lots of trouble finding a replacement pump that doesn't konk out on her. The fountain is made of pottery and has a bowl with a lady in the middle holding a spilling urn. The original pump was submersible and fit under the lady's skirt which is only about 4" wide. Can you suggest a replacement? I look forward to talking with you. Take care and thanks!!

Name: Tom
Date: 10/31/2002
Message: Rockee,the extra large fountain of my dreams you created for me brings joy to all who see. you are one of nicest,caring,people i have ever delt with. top service,expert shipping,unbelievable follow will hear alot from me.

Name: S. J. G.
Date: 10/24/2002
Message: There is a lovely selection here. I only hope my item arrives in a timely manner and in one piece! Thanx!

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    Fountain Pumps, Inline Pumps, LED Fountain lights, Rubber Stopper Plugs

    We are located in the state of Maine USA

    Questions: 1-207-241-4014
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